Sunday, March 13, 2016

Spring has Sprung, Let's Go Run!

 This morning I had a ten mile run to log. I could not have asked for a better morning, it was 55 degrees and misting. It was so refreshing! I was having such a good run I probably went a little too fast. My legs have been telling me that all day. This was my first ten miler of the year and I felt good the whole time. Good start with a half coming up in early April!

With all the rain we had today we also got a pretty great rainbow! My camera phone didn't do it justice.
It's been a pretty great weekend and all very unexpected. On a whim Kelly and I decided to go to the Big 12 Tournament championship game. Tickets got reasonable Saturday morning so we decided to just do it!
It was a lot of fun and I was so happy to see our boys cut down the nets. West Virginia gave them a good game but the Hawks came out on top! I'm looking forward to the Big Dance with this team. They are very special!
Our seats were pretty high up but we  found some closer seats for the trophy ceremony! 

Perry was the last one to cut down the net. We were all chanting his name! 

Just as exciting Friday night I finished sewing my Pajama pants! They are
sooooooooooo comfy! 

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