Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Happy Easter! From A Big Ol' Liar.

Even with Alex bugging us every day of March about the Easter Bunny the Bunny still came to our house. I didn't get flustered and spill the jelly beans to both boys even though I wanted to! Daryl is starting to figure things out with the help of an apathetic parent.
The week before Easter both boys had to come to my office because their sitter had the flu. I just needed to send a couple of e-mails and then I was going to take a vacation day to be at home with them. I left my office for 30 seconds and the boys discovered the toys I bought for their Easter Baskets from Amazon! Oops!
I quickly told Alex the toys were for another person in the office and they were just hiding them in my office. That appeased them and he was still looking forward to the Easter Bunny bringing him those exact same toys. Daryl looked at my with disgust in his eyes and said "really mom, those toys are for us aren't they?" I shot him a look that clearly said, "Zip It Bud."
Many days later when it was just Daryl and I in the car he brought it up again. I told him that yes I buy them the toys they get at Easter. I said that I like to do it and let the Easter Bunny get credit. I said the Easter Bunny only brings candy filled eggs and Mom and Dad do the rest.
He was appeased and promised not to tell Alex. Oh, the webs we weave to keep our kids little for just a day longer.
Did you hear it snowed Easter Morning in Eastern Kansas? Well it did, so the Easter Bunny put the baskets and eggs inside. Turns out she hates the cold too!
Easter morning, the boys were up at 6:15am, not bad for them!

Daryl's Easter Basket

Alex's Easter Basket

We were happy to host the family this Easter! 

Let the family egg hunt begin! 

What a great day! 

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