Monday, March 21, 2016

2016 Spring Break Busy!

Playing cards on Wyatt Earp Blvd.
The Manor had a full and fun Spring Break! Daryl went back to school today and this mom is pretty happy to be getting back on a schedule.
The boys and I spent a few days in Southwest Kansas to see family and play with cousins.
It is a long road trip but always worth it. We did however make a mistake of not packing our coats. Why is it always cold on Spring Break?
Stage Coach Ride
We didn't take Kelly with us because he wanted to work on the floor. Or, I wanted him to work on the floor. Either way, he stayed home and the floor was almost finished!

Since I bragged last week about my awesome running skills I will be honest and let you know I only ran twice all of last week. Pride comes before the fall! Looking to get back on track this week, the clock in ticking towards my April 9th race.

Cousin Fun! 
This week the agenda consists of cleaning the house for Easter guests, knitting a little and catching up on my running. As long as I stay focused that should all be doable!

Old Yucky white tile
New Brown Tile

Grout went on yesterday, hopefully we can get it cleaned off tonight! 

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