Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Oh my Blerch

This is a running post. So if that doesn't interest you, feel free to leave knowing you won't miss a kid story. ;-)
I told you last week about my cold that took me out of commission for awhile. While no one sent flowers, I do know that you were all very sad for me. A side effect of feeling yucky and not being able to breath was running sounded about as fun as mosquito bites on your bra line. Trust me dudes, those suck.
So my weekly running totals went down, way down.
Oct. Week 1- 21.10 miles
        Week 2- 10.40 miles
        Week 3- 3.55 miles (This one run was pure he** and only done b/c I didn't want a goose egg week.)
         Week 4- 5.35 miles
         Week 5- TBD, but I'm feeling good about it.
Now I wasn't feeling terrible in Week 4. Something else was keeping me in bed, the Blerch. If you don't know about him you can read about him here. The Blerch is a creation of the adult cartoonist The Oatmeal. He is that little voice in your head that tells you to sleep in and have more cake.
I was blerching hard last week and Monday and Tuesday of this week. Mostly, I've been telling myself it is too cold. But that was a lie because I did run this morning and I was WAY overdressed in my tights, long sleeve shirt and hat. I got up, had a nice morning run, and have felt great today! I need to sign up for a new race so I can start another race plan. Those keep me motivated. What keeps you motivated?
Another thing I like to do is set a yearly mileage goal. My goal for this year was 720 miles. I've already run 775.6 miles in 2015! I need to set my goal higher for next year. :-)

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