Saturday, October 10, 2015


It has been a long time since I've posted about budgeting and being cheap. In February, after we paid off all of our debt, except the mortgage, we started saving for our 3-6 month emergency fund. Once we had that we have just been saving, not too exciting. Yesterday, we spent some of our money and got Kelly a new car.

New to him! He has been driving his 2003 Nissan truck since I was pregnant with Daryl. When we started our journey to be debt free the truck was our nice car for a long time. The truck was not so nice anymore and Kelly was ready to upgrade. His new car is a 2008 Expedition, it is the third car we have bought with cash and it is undoubtedly the nicest! It was the only one of the three cash cars that was over one thousand dollars. :-)

Buying a car with cash is a much more pleasant experience than having to talk to the, "financing" person. We had been looking online for a couple of months so we knew how much we could trade the truck for and what a really good deal would be on the new car. I got the deal so it was fun! We also had a woman sales lady for the first time and she wasn't pushy or "salesy" at all. That was nice too!

Kelly drove his car to tailgating this morning and he really likes it. He was looking for a new truck at first but then decided he would rather have the extra room to drive the family around. I guess we are getting old! He did make sure it had a hitch to tow so the next thing we will be on the lookout for is a small trailer. For a good deal of course!

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