Wednesday, October 14, 2015

A Note From School

How could this boy cause any trouble? (sarcasm)
In the era that we live in my communication with Daryl's teacher happens in the form of notes in his planner. I say era because I imagine the 1950's when you picked your kids up from school and could talk to your child's teacher everyday. Teachers might actually be happy that they don't have to deal with 21 parents everyday at quitting time! 

So let me tell you how this works. If Daryl has no note he had a good day if he has a note that means he had several warnings about a behavior and his teacher needs to let me know what went down that day. 

On Monday, Daryl had the dreaded note! He was talking and being silly in class when he was supposed to be getting his work done. Daryl told Kelly about it and he was really sad but he was even sadder when we told him another note this week would mean no allowance. I don't have the follow through to ground anyone but taking away a kid's five bucks on Friday is effective punishment around here. 

When we told Daryl the consequence of another note he got really sad, there was pouting and tears. That's good because that means he shouldn't get another note. But, I know my son and I needed to warn the teacher. Thank God for e-mail. 

My first e-mail to teacher:
I got your note about Daryl talking in class yesterday. We talked to him about it and told him if he got a note again this week there would be a consequence. I'm only telling you this because if he is acting up and you write the note he will probably cry. Please don't let that stop you from telling us if he is misbehaving.
He is sensitive but I think school is helping him work on being able to take some criticism without it devastating him.
Anyway, long story to say if he is being a pain in class we want to know about it at home. Thanks!
E-Mail back from Teacher Today:
Ugh, I had warned him a couple of times today to stop talking/acting silly.  I always give several warnings before writing a note.  Today we played Math games. I knew there wouldn't be enough time to play all of the games, but he and his partner had only done one side of the very first game (5 addition problems each).  He was so upset and I told him I needed to see his planner (and his partner's).  He started crying and BEGGED me not to write in it.  Then he told me he was getting a spanking and no allowance.  "Please don't write in it!  Please don't write in it!"  Normally I can deal with tears, but after your email, that. was. hard.  We talked about it and I told him, "You're a good boy, Daryl.  You just made a bad choice.  Everyone does, and we learn from them.  Tomorrow is a new day!  I still love you both and know you can do better!"    I wanted to say, "Hey...I get one from my son's teacher 1-2 times a week, this is nothin'!"  But I refrained... ;)

Oh lord, why my child! E-Mail back to teacher today:You did good! PS-He was telling the truth on the allowance (he gets part of it for good behavior) but we don't spank him for notes from school. He was pulling your leg on that one.
I'm glad you stuck to your guns, I know he really is sad, but he can't use crying to get out of trouble.
I look forward to our conference.
I'm not really sure if I am looking forward to our parent teacher conference. That is set for next week! 

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