Monday, October 5, 2015

A Weekend Spin

Because of some unexpected rain The Manor got to host Grandma Rosie! She had a golf tournament on Friday and because it rained in Southwest Kansas she got to stay until Sunday. It is always fun to have her around. Kelly likes it because they like the same restaurants. :-|
Sunday evening I finally got around to plying my "Is this a weed?" fiber. It was my last fiber from Tour De Fleece. The tour ended months ago but I'm glad to finally have my pile of fiber done. Now I need to spin the last of my "Bristling" fiber because I was knitting my sweater and ran out of yarn with one sleeve left to go. Boo! I hope 3.2 ounces is enough to get a whole sleeve worth of yarn. We shall see!
Pile o Fiber in June

Is it a Weed? Colorway in 3 ply

Pile o Yarn in October!

PS-The boys' birthday/Christmas hand-knit sweaters are also looking like the maybe next year/never sweaters. My sons are going to be so disappointed!

PPS- I got Halloween decorations up tonight! We totally missed last year so I'm pretty darn proud of myself!

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