Monday, November 2, 2015

Trick or Treat

We had a wonderful Halloween at The Manor and are starting November off pretty good too! Kelly took the boys trick or treating last year so it was my turn this year. I was not excited at all because it is well documented I dislike the cold. Turns out, the weather was awesome! I totally lucked out on my year!
The boys didn't do any trunk or treats this year so we did the old fashioned walk the neighborhood. We went all up and down our street then they went to Ron and Claudia's and trick or treated there too. They both had a bag full of candy after that so they were happy. We were completely done by 7!
Alex was so cute this year, he really knew what was going on so every house he would run up to the door so he could be the first to knock. Him and Daryl would say, "Trick-or-Treat" in unison and then every single time Alex would say "Can I have some of your candy?" It was adorable.
Then in the middle of our adventure he said his signature line and the woman who came to the door said, "I'm sorry all I have is fruit snacks." Alex replied, "FRUIT SNACKS ARE MY FAVORITE, THANK YOU!" He screamed it just like that. Alex and the woman were both smiling ear to ear. It was pretty awesome.
I hope you all had a great Halloween too!
PS-On Halloween Kelly finally got Alex to put the pumpkin outside. :-) 
My Ninja Turtle and Football player

Daryl walking in the Halloween parade at school

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