Friday, October 31, 2014

Happy Halloween!

Daryl had his first Halloween school party today. I brought Rice Krispie Frankensteins for his class. Thanks Pintrest! They started with a Halloween parade led by the High School drumline. That was really cool! Then they came back to their class and decorated cupcakes, played games and made a Halloween craft.
It was a lot of fun and all done by lunch! Later in the afternoon I took Daryl the Scream ghost and Alex the puppy to the Extension office to trick or treat. They loved it! They came home and trick or treated on our street. They hit about six houses and then Daryl said he was too cold. So they came home. Now we are just waiting on kids to come to our door.
I didn't get the house decorated this year but I still think we had a successful Halloween. I hope everyone else had a fun one too!

Thursday, October 30, 2014

October Baseball Instead of Snowball

Shhhhh don't tell Dave Ramsey, but we spent our debt snowball on baseball this month! Kelly is a die hard Royals fan so when the World Series came back to Kansas City for a game six we said "What the Heck, let's go!"

We didn't get all crazy, we drove to the stadium in search of cheap tickets and had a budget we had to stick to. Turns out about ten minutes before the game, ticket prices dropped like a rock on Stub Hub. We snatched up two, got them printed and rushed in to catch the bottom of the first! (This is not true for all games, we watched and that didn't happen for game seven last night.)
It was a great game and a great experience! I have now been to a World Series game, so that is pretty cool. Kelly was like a kid in a candy store! The game didn't get over till 10:30 and I didn't knit or anything! In my defense baseball is much better in person than on TV. 

So you know how we have all been getting oodles of political ads bashing other politicians? If you are fed up about it maybe this will make you feel better. In the Meerpohl Manor neck of the woods we get two or three postcards a day bashing the Democrat candidates.

The Republicans always put the President's picture on these cards some place just to stir the ire of the conservatives. We give all this mail to Daryl because he likes mail and I already know who I'm voting for.

Me-"Daryl you got some more mail."
D-"Look mom PRESIDENT OBAMA! Mom, the President sent me a letter! You need to vote for this guy because he is friends with THE PRESIDENT! Who is this guy?"
Me-"That is Greg Orman"
D-"Yes mom, we are voting for Greg Orman, he knows President Obama!"

Hmmmm, bet that wasn't the way Republicans thought that would go! LOL!

Tonight I have to make Halloween snacks for Daryl's Halloween party at school tomorrow. I'm making Frankenstein rice krispie treats. Wish me luck!

Monday, October 27, 2014

A retraction might be in order...

On Saturday I got in some trouble. Here is the conversation that happened when the whole family was in the car.
Kelly-"We should go eat some Chinese."
Me-"Alex and I did that last Sunday on our date."
Daryl-"Ewww mom! You can't date your two year old son!"
Kelly-"Daryl, According to your mom we went on a date to the WWE match."
Trying not to laugh
Me-"No I didn't Daryl, don't worry about it."

I am in a lot of trouble when Daryl learns how to read! Until then, what he can't read won't hurt him!

Yesterday, Kelly took the boys to the Church's Trunk or Treat. I was running with my relay team, Stampede Society. We did the Bison 50 mile Relay as a team of 5. Last year, we did it as a team of nine and it has ten legs. So we each had to run two. I ran my legs back to back, I wasn't prepared. I ended up doing 10 and 1/2 minute miles for my 9.5 miles. I will take it because there was a point I was sure the buzzards were going to get me! I love these relay races because the people I run with are a lot of fun! Next year if we only have five runners I want the same two legs. I will OWN them next year! (and I'll know where to turn in Perry and save myself a minute or two!)

Now for the ONE trunk or treat picture I got. I guess I shouldn't complain at least there is a picture. I just wish Alex's eyes would have been open. :-) Daryl is a skeleton and Alex is a puppy. This was Daryl's back up costume as we hadn't gotten his ghost/scream guy costume washed since his 4-H meeting.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Daryl and Dad Date

We had a very busy and fun weekend. Alex and I went to a 4-H rabbit show on Saturday then we had cousin Dominic's birthday party. On Sunday we had Ms. Addison's birthday party and then Kelly and Daryl went to Daryl's first WWE live match!

I thought it would be too much for him and Kelly thought he would be fine. We were both right. At first when the music got relly loud and the wrestlers came out with smoke machines he got scared and started to cry a little. Then once he got used to it HE LOVED IT! I would be more supportive if I followed WWE at all. I will play along as long as he doesn't hit his brother with a folding chair!

Last week we had Daryl's parent teacher conference. He is right where he needs to be on writing letters and  counting. He needs to work a bit on what sounds letters make but his teacher is not worried. She said Daryl is a hard worker and does exactly what she asks. That made me very proud of him! I want him to be a hard worker at everything he does!

At his afterschool program he made a sucker out of life savers. He was so excited about it! I had to share a picture.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Life Lessons for Days

Last Thursday Kelly and I had to enlist the help of Grandpa and Grandma Meerpohl. We both had night meetings that were not suitable for the boys.
I was in a rush when I handed off Daryl and Alex so I didn't get to talk much to Grandpa and Grandma. Daryl took advantage of that and decided to tell a lie.
He told Grandpa that Mom didn't have time to tell you I need a Halloween costume tomorrow. She wanted you to take me to the store to get one.
Being the great Grandpa he is he took Daryl out and bought him a costume. Kelly got home first so he was pretty sure I wouldn't have said that but  couldn't ask me right then.
When I got home I confirmed that our sweet little angel had told a big fat lie. When Daryl woke up the next day we talked about lying and I really didn't think it was getting through to him. So we told Daryl he had to pay Grandpa the money back that he spent out of his allowance. That caused tears, but he did it. Daryl may be a little too smart for his own good. Now to channel that power for good!

Here are some pictures from the Ramirez family reunion that I never got a chance to post. Like always it was a lot of fun!

Monday, October 6, 2014

Hello October!

I have been so sad that the weather had been perfect for running but my injured toe was still keeping me sidelined. But last week it was feeling better so I went for two runs this weekend. There is still a little twinge but not really any pain. I think that means I am good to go! My mileage is really low but I'll get that back up as long as it doesn't get any colder than 56 degrees! LOL
I've been avoiding my 4-H green knitted top. It is going to take a long time with such tiny yarn! So instead of working on that I knit Alex a tiny hat. A tiny hat that matched my hat! We are cute!

Last week Kelly and I got to eat lunch with Daryl at school. It was fun. And lunches sure have changed since I went to school. My son ate his apple first, then his broccoli, then his carrots and finally his goldfish. If I hadn't been there I don't know if he would have eaten the hamburger at all! It was fun to spend time with Daryl and all his classmates.