Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Zuzu Petals

Guess what? I finished a knitted thing! I'm kinda brain dead tonight so I will put lots of pictures instead of words!

Here is my Zuzu petals pre bath. I ran out
of the brown yarn so I edged in purple.

Alex likes the smell of my new Wool wash!

Here is my shawl blocking. I tried to get pointy
points but I don't have a blocking matt so the pins
just kinda move however they want.

All dry and done! I basically knitted a dickey!!

 I do have one funny Daryl story. I have to set it up a little bit. About a month ago Daryl took his first school pictures at his preschool. He picked out a shirt all by himself and was really proud on picture day.
So after I saw that the picture place cashed my check two weeks ago I've been asking Daryl every day if he got his pictures. He always had an emphatic "No mom, be patient!" That is pretty funny coming from a five year old to his mom.
Daryl to Kel-I got my pictures today.
Kel- Oh good, you can tell mom!
D- I'm not telling her!
Kel-Why not buddy, you know she wants to see them.
D- I know but she just keeps bugging me about them so I don't want to tell her!

Kelly called me and told me this story and I couldn't stop laughing. I begged Kelly to bring the pictures by my office, but he wouldn't. Boo Kelly! When I picked up Daryl I asked him specifically if he got anything at school that day, so he did tell me about the pictures. Then he said, "So now you can stop asking about it MOM!"

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