Friday, April 4, 2014

Then and Now

Sometimes, when you feel like you don't have a lot to write about you can go back just one year and be amazed by change. I think it is worse when you have two kids but I haven't noticed Alex changing a lot. He is a pretty easy kid, (starting to throw tantrums a bit), but mostly he is entertained by Daryl, the dogs and squirrels.
But as he nears 2 he has changed so much! For one he has hair, and I do believe he will surpass his brother soon in weight and probably not long after height!

One week ago today I was having a knitting weekend in Dallas, TX. That is over now and I'm glad to be home but I wish I could spend every Friday with knitters!

While I was in Dallas I cast on a little half cowl/ half shawl called Zuzu petals. It is joined in the round so you don't have the fussiness of how do you keep the shawl on but it will be longer than your normal cowl.

I hope to make real progress on it this weekend so I can make sense of what I just typed. :-)

Have a Happy Weekend everyone!

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