Monday, March 31, 2014

DFW Fiber Fest!

I admit, there have not been that many posts this month. That is because I spent the entire month being super focused on the budget so I could go to the Dallas Fort Worth Fiber Fest and have a really great time. I did!
This weekend trip with girlfriends was exactly what the doctor ordered. I had been in a knitting rut having just finished a big project. I didn't have the urge to cast on anything. That has been fixed! I now what to knit ALL OF THE THINGS!
On this trip I also got to meet the Mother of All Knitting Blogs, The Yarn Harlot! My friend Karen scored our group tickets to hear her speak and it was AMAZING. She is funny, smart and humble. She has accomplished so much and when a stranger asks her what she does she says, "I'm a writer" when he asks if she has been published she says, "I do all right."
A humble person doesn't do well with gushing fans that want a picture with them but she does it anyway. And I THANK HER for doing it!!
I could write forever about the yarn, the food in Dallas, and the girlfriend chat times that were needed and had. But I'll just leave some pictures. :-)
PS-Today is the end of the month and even with my little trip and a half hog we are going to make our snowball goal! I feel a little smug right now. OK, the pictures!

Topeka Friends Reunite!
My Zuzu petals shawl I knit during Yarn Harlot!

Thank you Stephanie for humoring me with a picture! PS-Click the photo and see if you can read the message on the bag she signed. LOL

When you are not driving you can have a large adult beverage after a hard day of knitting!

My goodies at home. A project bag, a shawl pin and not pictured is a skein of sock yarn and a fiber batt. I controlled myself and my money very well on this trip!


  1. How awesome! I got to meet her a few years ago when she came to Nashville. I adored her!

    1. I didn't think I could like her more than I did before meeting her. She is just such a talented writer. But after hearing her speak I LOVE her. I couldn't help but gush to her!
