Monday, March 17, 2014

Catching Up

It doesn't seem like it has been over a week since my last blog post, but the dates don't lie! I have been busy entertaining the boys during this whack a doodle weather. One day we are playing inside because it is FREEZING outside the next day we are looking for shorts because it is actually in the 70s! All I have to say is this is Kansas and that is how we do end of winter/spring.
I worked most of Saturday so on Sunday the boys and I had a fun day! First Daryl and I baked cookies. This led to the never ending fight of make a nice face so I can take your picture! These are only 3 of the 15 pictures I snapped of me trying to get a smile. He was actually very happy with his oatmeal cookies he just loves this game!

After cookies, we went to Going Bonkers! This is the boys' favorite place because they get to run around, make as much noise as they want, and climb all over stuff. Basically a boys dream come true! I had to snap this picture of Alex coming off the slide because he looks so different than he did just a couple of months ago. He is starting to loose some of his baby chub and he is starting to say more words. He is really growing up!

 Believe it or not but the green cardigan is all knit! I still need to weave in the ends and block it but so far so good. I wanted to wear it last Saturday to a 4-H function but a couple days overdue is not bad for me with knitting! I will post a picture on the next blog. Happy St. Patrick's day everyone!!!

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