Monday, March 24, 2014

Doing what I have to!

Last week was a little hectic at the Manor. Kelly was gone all week for work so I was on single mom duty. We had a pretty great week and the boys were really well behaved for me. Daryl was a big helper and Alex slept through the night every night!
I even managed to get the dishes done and cook dinner three out of the six nights. Because of a goulash debacle I didn't have to cook every night. Did you know one pound of macaroni looks really small dry but cooked is another story! I had to use three different Rubbermaid containers for all of the leftovers! If you want to stretch a pound of ground sausage mix it with a pound of macaroni!
I think my biggest success while Kel was away was still getting in three runs. My training is still on track for my May half!
Once our family was whole again I immediately blocked my new sweater. It grew in length when I gave it a bath but I still like it!
Now I've switched back over to spinning and am trying to think of a good road trip knitting project to start. Because I'm going on a road trip this weekend!! More details to come on that. :-)

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