Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Take that sweater #2!

I needed my knitting mojo refilled to drag myself to the button store, find buttons and sew them to my completely done sweater. After two fantastic weekends with fun and friends I finally tackled buttons last night. I love my new cardigan, I love it a lot! I love it so much I made Kelly take a bunch of pictures of me wearing it while Alex was trapped in the high chair this morning.
Kelly doesn't like being my photographer but hey, he is the husband, this all kinda comes with the territory! I tell him without me he would just be sitting in a recliner every night watching sports, then I tell him to wipe the smile off of his FACE!

My fiber weekend has also renewed my excitement for spinning. As of last night I am two thirds of the way done with my singles for a fantastic 3 ply combo spin. The fiber is all BFL and two are from Southern Cross Fibre and one from Hello Yarn. I need to get my third bobbin started right away so I don't lose my momentum!

On Sunday I participated in my first Brew to Brew relay with our Stampede Society team. This team formed for the Bison run in October and had so much fun that this time we added tutus! Next run we decided to be more true to our team name, so we will also have tails. Brew to Brew was a blast and there was only one snaffu and it was my fault :(
Lessons learned:
1.) Look at the legs you are running before the race, just following the crowd isn't the best plan
2.) If you don't run with your phone sharpie a team mates number on your hand
3.) If you cause the team stress it is your obligation to buy the team beer ( I was ALL over this one :-)

Go Abby Go!
At the end of the day, it was still a great race, and I hope I'm not kicked out of the society for accidentally running two legs when I was only supposed to run one! I am ready for the October race!

My first Solo race is in May, so I don't know yet if I am getting any faster. But I have been pleased with my mileage thus far.
January 26.10 miles (coming out of hibernation)
February 50.15 miles (these were all treadmill miles ugh)
March 69.95 miles (finally getting some outside runs in!)

80 miles a month would be optimal for me. About 20 a week will get me to all of my personal goals. :-)

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