Friday, April 18, 2014

Spring Flowers!

The weather in Kansas has been up and down. But the flowers are still blooming! Last Saturday I was spoiled and got to do my long run outside. It was awesome! Then it got cold and the rest of my runs have been on the treadmill. :(

 I did have a running success this  morning, I was scheduled to do six miles, I hit snooze with the intention of no miles, I got up on the second alarm and ran four. Success 4>0!!!

It has been hard to get up for my morning runs because I have a great spin going on! I have been staying up late to try and get all of my singles done. Last night I did! Then on my lunch break today I started to ply because I just couldn't wait. I think this yarn is already screaming vest!

Have a Happy Easter everyone! The manor is hosting this year so I will be busy the next two days cleaning!! Does anyone want to borrow children for a couple of days?

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