Monday, April 21, 2014

Happy Easter! (and picture overload!)

I hope everyone had a Happy Easter yesterday and were surrounded with loved ones. It was great weather here to play outside, have an Easter egg hunt and be generally happy.
Daryl got a Minecraft sword from the Easter bunny and Alex got a big bouncy ball. They also both got new socks and some candy. Daryl actually really liked his socks, this mom was thrilled with that reaction. It could be a good plan for new underwear in the Christmas Stocking and new socks in the Easter basket. I think Jesus would want it that way! :-)
Today I took a day off of work to recover from all of the company. It was great! The boys and I slept in and played outside. While Daryl was at preschool I took Alex to his sitter's for a couple of hours and even got in a 5 mile run. What a winner of a day!
Because I'm feeling like an over achiever when Alex got home and took I nap I washed my newly plied yarn. I think that is enough for one day so goodnight everyone! I may just go to bed at 8!

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