Wednesday, February 5, 2014

February Funnies

With all this snow do you need a laugh? Daryl and I will do our best...

This happened while I was drinking a beer watching the super bowl:
D-Mom do you know what happens if you drink too much beer?
D-You get lung cancer, (pause) no you get, (pause) drunk, you get drunk!
Me-You are right on the second answer.

This was Monday morning as Daryl comes into my bathroom while I am drying my hair:
D-I have to pee
D-(lifts the lid on the toilet then puts it back down) Mom,  I don't think you should watch this.
Me-Then go to your bathroom!
D- Never mind it is OK! (then he continues in my bathroom!)

I am making good use of my snow days. I have officially started sweater #2 for 2014. It will feature my handspun (middle skeins in the picture) with some Cascade 220.

Kelly and I spend most of Sunday afternoon winding these cute yarn cakes. It is not Kelly's favorite job but I tricked him with this one. He knows the last sweater took me three years so he figures he can help me wind yarn every three years.

I got him! I plan on having this one done in time for regional club days on March 15th!! We will be doing this again next month! HAHAHAHA (evil knitter laugh)

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