Friday, February 14, 2014

Happy Valentine's Day!!

I didn't think I would have to post today since Kelly and I are paying off debt like crazy it means you don't do much on holidays such as this. But then Kelly was sweet and Daryl was funny and I wanted to share with everyone how awesome these crazy boys are!

We don't often have pop around our house. Daryl really LOVES pop so that is one reason we just don't buy it. That way when we eat out it is a special treat. The bottle of pop in the picture was for this great pulled pork recipe that is the easiest thing ever.

Take a pork roast and rub it with your favorite pork rub. Then put it in a crock pot and put one 20oz bottle of coke on top of it, cook on low for eight hours. It is great!

Anywho, we had this bottle of coke in the cupboard for the entire week. Last night this conversation happens while Kelly is putting away dishes.
Daryl-Dad, Can I see the pop?
Kelly-(opens the cupboard)
Daryl-Can I hold it?
Kelly-(Laughing) No Daryl you know it is for pulled pork.
Daryl-(pouting) oh man!

Kelly was pretty sweet today for Valentine's Day. Like I explained before I didn't really think we were doing anything this year except maybe trying to find a sitter later and go out to eat. So this morning he starts by surprising me with a card and a Nut Roll candy bar. Those are my favorite! I told him I was sorry I didn't think about getting him anything, he just smiled because he doesn't care about getting anything, he was just happy he surprised me.
Then, I come home for lunch and Kelly has my lunch of leftovers all ready for me to eat. I tell him that is great but I don't need anything for dessert because we had treats at the office. He smiles and says he got us dessert to share!
After he took the boys to the sitter he drove across town to a bakery I've been wanting to try and got us a peanut butter chocolate cheesecake to share! It was yummy and he has really out done himself this year! I love you Kel! 

Not taken today, but a picture of a pouting Daryl!
If you got through that sweet story without losing your lunch I will reward you with another D story.
This happened first thing this morning.
D-Happy Valentine's day mom!
Me-Happy Valentine's day sweetheart!
D-What did you get me?
Me-Huh? (looking at Kelly)
D-Parents are supposed to get their kids candy today!!
Me to Kelly-Did you ever get something from your parents, I don't think I did. Daryl, Valentines day is just something you do at school ((pause)) I think.
D-((Whining)) I can't believe you didn't get me a valentine! Ugh!
Me-Maybe you will get something after dinner, if I find out parents really do get their kids valentines.

(Kelly must have got something from his parents because he bought the boys sugar cookies the same place he got our cheesecake!)

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