Friday, February 28, 2014

Staying Active!

Daryl had his first week of Karate this week! He has learned that he has a lot to learn. I'm thankful that we live in a big enough community to have an awesome Parks and Rec system. Daryl is taking seven weeks of Karate for $38, and no uniform is required. I like letting him try new things using the Recreation department before shelling out big bucks some place else not even knowing if he will like it. Although I pretty sold on this class at the Rec center as the teacher is fantastic and is even teaching the kids the Japanese names for the moves they are doing.

It is so cute to watch Daryl that I just can't stop taking pictures, I try not to let him catch me!

I have completed week 2 of 12 of my half marathon training. I am still running inside on a treadmill because I am a wimp! Self proclaimed, I will not run in the cold, WHIMP! My long run is supposed to be on Saturday but I did it today so I don't have to worry about the nasty weather this weekend. So now I have two days off! YAY!

Hope everyone is staying home this weekend and is warm. I plan to knit and spin A LOT! :-)

Here is the half plan that I am using, if anyone wants to play along!

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