Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Updates and more Updates


Take a look at these curls! Kelly is pressuring me for a haircut so they are probably not going to be there much longer. **Sniff**

Knitting update: I have almost a full skein of Cascade 220 into my cardigan. I used about 100 yds. of my handspun for the yoke. I was thinking it was way too small on the needles. So I took it off the needles put the stitches on scrap yarn and tried it on. The cardigan fits but I don't think it will close! Buttons will be for decoration only. I dislike starting over so I justified it by thinking about how often I actually button my cardigans. The answer was almost never. Decision made!

Running update: I have been running a little. I am planning on starting my half marathon training plan on Monday soooo bring on that warm weather! Right now I am between 6-10 miles a week for the last three weeks. I hope to report that mileage getting a lot higher starting next week! It will help when I can run outside, treadmill running is my nemesis. 

Money update: Friday is snowball day!! Kelly and I had some car maintenance in the budget for January and we felt very adult for getting our cars worked on when they were still working.
It never fails that the car repairs cost more than the estimates we received. I think we were $150 over what we budgeted. We tightened the belt in some other areas and we were only $50 less on the snowball than what we budgeted. So I was still very happy with our month! We always make our snowball payment with the first paycheck  of the new month so that is why we are a little later than usual. It just makes me feel better since it is such a big chunk of our bank account.

After Friday my school loan balance should be under six thousand! My brain is almost paid for!! Then we will start on Kelly's brain our LAST DEBT besides our mortgage. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. The plan we use is simple and you can see it here.

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