Monday, February 24, 2014

You know you live on a budget when...

Kelly and I made a healthy payment to my Student Loan in January and are on track to do the same in February. We have tightened the belt so much that our original pay off date for my loan was August 2014 and now it looks like we will be paid off in May 2014! Finding ways to trim our already lean budget has been a challenge. But I like a challenge!

You know you live on a budget when you decide that you can wax your own eyebrows for way cheeper than having it done at the salon. Good news is I still have two eyebrows and while one is a little more arched than the other if just looks like I'm questioning everything. It's appropriate for working with youth!

You know you live on a budget when you need new clothes and you always check the Goodwill first. Goodwill almost never lets our family down and the clothes we buy always look new and sometimes still have the tags on them! Daryl has learned that Target is only for Socks and Underwear, we can find everything else at Goodwill.

You know you live on a budget when you only eat out for lunch if you have a coupon!

You know you live on a budget when you check out your groceries by having your spouse pay for half and you pay for the other half so you can both get the Friday freebie. AND you both get to take a survey for the 50 point bonus!! (you have to have his and hers separate award accounts to do this :-)

The body of the cardigan is done!!!! Anyone think I can finish a sleeve before the end of the month?? Anyone??


  1. I think you can do it. I am finally finishing a sweater that I started a REALLY long time ago.

    1. You can do it too! My lace Cardi was in the works for THREE years.
