Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Pretty Darn Close!

All my lace cardi needs is a collar and some buttons! There were times in the years it took me to knit this that I seriously thought it would never be finished. I'm also quite impressed that it is going to fit. The neck will be smaller with the collar so I'm pleased with the fit so far. This is actually going to happen! Next post will be finished object pictures!!

It's been awhile since we've had a Daryl story. Let me set this one up for you. We were at Goodyear picking up my car after it got new shocks. Now it doesn't feel like the bottom will fall off when I hit a bump. It cost $150 more than the estimate. Then this happened.
Kelly: Don't be mad for the extra work they had to do we got a good deal.
Me: I still feel like we got screwed. (pause) Daryl don't say that.
Daryl: But you did.
Me: We are not equals you don't get to do what I do.
Daryl: When can I cuss?
Me: When you are 18
Daryl: How many good words do I have to say when I'm 18?

Oh dear, it looks like we are going to have a potty mouth in 13 years!

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