Monday, January 13, 2014

It is almost a sweater!

Knitting goal for the year to do 4 sweaters was not really as big as it sounds. I had all the knitting on one sweater done minus half a sleeve. So I looked up when I started the Que Sera sweater. MAY 14TH 2011!
Seriously that is when I cast on the first stitch.
So on Sunday, in one day, I finished the second sleeve. Now I need to give the pieces a bath and block them. Hopefully I can have a finished sweater in January. Wouldn't that be great! That would give me 11 months to knit three whole sweaters. :-)
This is going to look A LOT different once I have blocked the pieces. The lace work should really open up. Fingers crossed! 
Pattern can be found HERE

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