Sunday, January 5, 2014

It Puzzles Me...

It puzzles me that more people don't like puzzles! Kelly and I started a puzzle when we were at my mom's house celebrating Christmas. Kelly didn't like doing it after the frame was done but I really enjoyed it.

We didn't get that puzzle done, so I have this feeling of unfinishedness. That is not a word but it is a feeling. So I got a puzzle for our house! I wish my hobbies played better with each other. I can only knit or spin or run or read. And now there is work on my puzzle. This has been my go to activity for the last couple of nights. Sometimes Daryl sits on my lap and watches me work on it. He doesn't do that when I knit and he can't do it while I spin so puzzles might move up on the priority list!

PS-Had everyone who just read this blog post realized how much more exciting Meerpohl Manor is now that you will be getting regular puzzle updates! Some of you are probably praying this puzzle thing doesn't catch on. The others know you want to go to the store and get one too. They are five dollars! Really! For 1,000 pieces, what better can you buy with five dollars.

PSS- You could buy a box of girl scout cookies for $4 but that will last you all of one guilt stricken night hiding in the kitchen eating the whole box. So seriously just go buy a puzzle!


Making mittens for Daryl!

Told the boys to show their bellies!

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