Sunday, October 6, 2013

Our week was a carnival!

We had an action packed week and we did in fact end it with a carnival! Daryl's preschool has a carnival every year for a fundraiser and this year the theme was western. Daryl had that covered and went to the event wearing his boots and cowboy hat, he didn't want to wear his holster for fear that was taking it a little too far. Geez mom!

I also blocked and washed Daryl's vest and it looks smashing on him. It will look better with a shirt and a navy bow tie. I'm working on that.

It was also KU Homecoming this weekend. We hadn't tailgated yet this year so it was a good time seeing all our KU friends. We had tickets to the game and it was a really good one...for the first quarter. After that I just felt bad for our boys. It can't be easy to keep marching on that field when the score is getting embarrassing. I hope they get a big XII win this season. That is a monkey no one deserves on their back. Just to keep track of all the firsts, it was Alex's first KU football game! He really dug the popcorn.

After two weeks of my long run failing to be ten miles I finally had a double digit long run today! I was so relieved to finally run ten miles that I went eleven just for the fun of it. I got my mojo back just in time, I will attempt my first half marathon in one week. I'm as ready as I will ever be, and now that it is cold in the morning I'm ready for this race to be done so I can stay snuggled in my bed in the morning!
I'm a fair weather runner, when it is cold I'm a sleeper!
Finally, this evening we gathered to celebrate cousin Carter's birthday. It was a great family gathering and Carter was so excited for his party it was too cute. He showed me the biggest wrapped present and told me it was from his mom and dad. I asked him what he thought was in it and he said he dropped it and he was pretty for sure it was legos! He was right and when he was showing me the legos he said he had been waiting for this particular set his whole life! That was a rough seven years, I'm sure.  :-)

Alex got to eat cake and ice cream with Aunt Nikki!

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