Sunday, October 27, 2013

Alex's First Boo!

Today was Trunk or Treat at our church. I have no idea how it is already time for Halloween and costumes, we just got Daryl's on Friday. Because he doesn't care Alex was a spider and wore the same costume Daryl wore when he was one.

Daryl has known for a very long time he wanted to be an "Army Guy". So we got him some camo clothes and some camo face paint and a toy machine gun.

So the boys got to test run Halloween before Thursday. Daryl was very good saying Trick or Treat at every trunk and saying Thank You after only taking one candy. Alex was a different story.

He walked to the first car and our friend Greg gave him a piece of candy. He immediately sat down and tried to open it. We got thru about three more cars before he had had enough of this ridiculous game where people give you candy but you can't eat it. He sat on the ground and started to cry. I carried him through the rest of the cars and tried to get a picture of the boys.

That was unsuccessful.

Earlier today I ran in my last race of my running season. I've made no claims that I run when it gets cold. I did however sign up to run with a relay team at the first of the month. It was a very cool relay as 9 of us ran the 50 miles from Topeka to Lawrence. Kelly did it with us too! The relay was the Bison 50 our team was the Stampede Society.
I ran from just outside of Topeka to Grantville. It was mostly on dirt roads and was 6.4 miles. I ran it in 58:45. That is my best 10K time ever! Especially since it was over a 10K!

Kelly ran his 4.1 miles in 37:45. I'm very proud of him. Not just because of his speedy time but because he ran when it was 30 degrees outside. At least when I ran it was a balmy 38 degrees.

Shout outs to Aunt Barb for watching the boys so Kelly and I could do this together and to Tony and Lisa for picking us up so we could get the boys to Trunk or Treat on time! We have great family and friends.

I was going to finish my shawl this month but then I got distracted. Pointy hat patterns will do that to me every time!
Pointy hat #1 for Alex.

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