Monday, October 21, 2013

Questionable Parenting

I feel like this title should be a reoccurring subject. Time to time as I guide Daryl through childhood I question decisions I have made. I wonder if there may have been a better way when the outcome is not what I expected. I guess that is what you do with the first child. Figure out what works and do that for the next child!

So Sunday after church Daryl, Alex and I are all playing in Daryl’s room. This is when this conversation happens:

Daryl: I said a bad word, Daddy told me to never say it again.

Me: You shouldn’t say bad words Daryl, you know better than that.

Daryl: I know, I said I was sorry.

So at this point I really want to know what he said and Kelly is who knows where, probably staring at the backyard willing his grass to grow. So I figure I can question Daryl a little bit and figure out what the bad word is.

Me: Daryl can you tell me the letter that the bad word started with?

Daryl: I don’t know what does Ass start with?

OMG I almost fell over I was trying not to laugh so hard. After he said it he covered his mouth and was worried. I told him not to worry it was mommy’s fault he said it again. But just say butt if you ever want to say that word again!

Daryl has a large vocabulary and HEARS EVERYTHING. It is impossible for him not to hear cuss words. It is just important for us to stop him when he says them and let him know it is on the bad word list.

We had a nice relaxing fall weekend. Kelly did a project for our Aunt in Holton and I got to knit a lot on my Stripe Study Shawl. I hope to have this done this month. I do need to make the boys some hats too. The weather is getting cool enough for hats!





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