Wednesday, October 9, 2013

A New Backyard

This last week we have been doing a little landscaping at the manor. After many quotes to fix our defunct pool we decided to fill the sucker in! The first quote we got to fix it was 10-15 thousand. Since we have made a promise to ourselves to stop borrowing money we spent a good year saving up for that project. We didn’t have all the funds but we brought another contractor out to see if we could at least get started.

After they drained the moss and frog filled pool they discovered the price tag to repair was actually going to be around 25-30 thousand. Well then, that is the same price to have a new pool installed. So that is not realistic for us now or for many years so we took part of the money we had saved and spent it to fill it in and reshape the backyard.

I can’t wait until next spring when the grass starts coming up and we can play with the boys back there.

In all reality the year and a half we have been in our home we have only played in the front yard. We never wanted to take the chance on someone getting hurt by falling into the empty pool.

 The funny thing about taking the pool out, we no longer have a pool house with a restroom. We now are just the proud owners of an outhouse!
Purl approves of the new backyard!

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