Monday, October 14, 2013

Not really what I was going for...

My owlish Cordell
Sometimes you see a knitting project and you think, that is so cute! I need to make that! Then what you make is not cute, and it doesn't look like the picture. That is what happened with Cordell.
He is supposed to be an owl but he is kind of a cross between a pelican and an angry bird. Not an owl.
pattern can be found at

The sort of owl was my only hiccup this weekend. After two months of training I finally ran my first half marathon! My time was 2:07:45 and I even had to stop to go to the bathroom!! I really wanted to finish under 2:15 and finish before any of the marathon runners. I hit both goals so I couldn't be sad about my run at all!
I took today off to recover and hang out with the boys. Daryl still went to preschool in the afternoon but Alex and I were together all day. He slept on me twice...awww..... I can't remember the last time he napped on me so I am going to cherish our mom/al day!

I've never taken a good running photo.

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