Sunday, September 29, 2013

What can you make in five months?

In 5 months I can make a pair of socks! Bam! The first sock took me a week the second sock took me 4 months and three weeks. This is known as second sock syndrome. It was almost a fatal case!
In fact, I had to look for the first sock for twenty minutes tonight so I could say I had a pair! After that little scavenger hunt I can safely say I have too many knitting bags.
Sock Pattern:

This week our family went to one of the best football games of the year! We are not talking about some Chiefs blow out win (I know I just typed that and I'm not even joking), it was the Thursday night Freshman Holton vs Silver Lake game.
With 29 seconds left Silver Lake scored to take the lead. It looked like it was all over. Then Holton ran the kick off back for a touchdown! Silver Lake got the ball back with nine seconds on the clock and could not score. Holton for the win! It was a great game and we loved watching cousin Carson on the field.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Now where did I put those teeth.....

No, this is not a funny thing I remember my great grandma Ruth saying. Daryl lost his second tooth on Tuesday. When I got home he was already asleep. So we retrieve new lost tooth and replace it with a dollar. Then as I'm heading to bed I remember I but the first tooth in a very special place so I would never loose it. I lost it!
I looked all over my room and I can't find that darn thing. This story has a couple of possible endings as I see it.
Ending #1-By the time Daryl looses all of his teeth he is bound to have found at least one of them since I'm evidently hiding them like Easter eggs.
Ending #2-When Kelly and I make our final move to the bone yard and our grand kids are cleaning out our place they start to wonder who their grandparents really were because they find kid's teeth in a piggy bank.

PS-Just checked the piggy bank, no dice.

Had a cute picture to put here of Daryl with his missing tooth. Kelly downloaded a new operating system on his phone and now I can't get the pictures to show up here.
Do we notice a running theme about how technology wants to kill my blog...

Had a visit with Daryl's teachers today and of course they said Daryl says the funniest things and one time he said-
Daryl- "Can I tell you a secret?"
Teacher-"Sure, what is your secret."
Daryl-"When I first met my brother, I didn't know his name."

I may have to direct them to the blog. They could probably be regular contributors!

Sunday, September 22, 2013


I didn't end up getting home on Friday till after eleven. Boo! But, both the boys slept till 7:40am on Saturday! Yay!
We were kind of lazy yesterday and today only really got laundry done. But I'm loving being home and listening to these crazy boys.
Tonight Kelly took Daryl and Alex to the park. When they came home Daryl had his bottom lip out so far he could almost step on it. I asked him what was wrong?
D-"Dad made us leave the park and I had to leave my friends."
Me-"Oh that is sad, were they friends from preschool?"
Kelly-"They were three kids in High School!"

Kelly said these two teenage boys and one girl were throwing a football around in the park. Next thing he knew Daryl was standing right in the middle of them playing catch. Then they took him to the swings and the slides. Kelly was really impressed that these  three kids played with Daryl for at least 30 minutes.
We don't know who they are but they made a very big impression on Daryl. The girl wanted to give Daryl a hug when it was time for him to go but he was so sad he didn't want to.
So next time you think the young people around are selfish remember these kids in the park who played with a five year old and made his day!

On the knitting front I just need to add pockets and buttons to D's sweater vest and I started a KU shawl. I was knitting on it when they won yesterday, I think it was good luck!

Sweater vest is pattern Pepo Pie

 Shawl pattern is Stripe Study Shawl

Friday, September 20, 2013

I'm coming home!

My week away from the manor is almost over. I am so happy to be seeing all my boys tonight. I wanted to post to show pictures of Pittsburgh and the progress on Daryl's sweater. Unfortunately I'm not that good at working from a tablet and can't get the pictures to post.
See Kelly, this is why we can't get rid of my old laptop! New technology doesn't like me!
I'll post pictures soon from home. I have to go hunt a souvenir for Daryl and Al and then off to the airport. Yay!!!!

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Little Victories

Daryl and Dad playing Legos!
Not to much going on, now that the manor is settling into our new routine. Daryl started going to Alex's babysitter and that has turned out to be a great thing. They are getting along well and now we only have one drop off in the morning and one pick up after work.

We are also adjusting to Daryl's half day of preschool four days a week. Now that all the kids are back on a routine we are looking forward to being boring for the next few weeks! We come home from work, make dinner, play with the kids and I go to bed not much after 9. It's a great life!

Daryl at Knit Night!
Wednesday I wanted to go to weekly knitting because I hadn't been in months. I was feeling a little guilty because I had some night meetings this week so I didn't want to leave Kelly home with the boys again for another night.

I finally decided I would take Daryl with me and be prepared to leave early if he couldn't behave himself. We brought his markers and coloring book. He was so happy to go and was excited when we got there. He talked to everyone and was not very interested in his coloring book. I thought that might happen so I was prepared to pack up when he said he would color if we could stay.

He colored a whole picture, started raising his hand when he wanted to talk and was a pleasant little guy at knitting!

We ended up staying for an hour and a half and that was longer than I had expected. He wants to go with me again and I told him if he acts the same way he did we can probably work that out!

I'm probably half done on Daryl's vest. Crossing my toes this one fits! I'm going to be out of town this week for a work conference. I'm excited about all the sessions I am signed up for but I will miss my three guys while I'm gone. I plan to get the vest done while I'm traveling, I also packed a shawl to knit in case I finish the vest super fast!

I will think of my babies in the crib when I start to miss them! I'm ready for all the hugs and cuddles on Friday when I see them again!

Sunday, September 8, 2013

With kids you have no secrets!

The only proof we have that Alex is Mexican.
He loves Avocados and Carnitas!

Hold onto your chairs, I'm going to tell you something you are not prepared for. Kelly and I fight. We've had maybe three since we have been married, I think that's normal. It basically comes down to I think I'm right, he thinks he is right, and we are not very good at agreeing to disagree.
The only reason I'm telling you this is because there is a funny story coming, right now!
On Saturday morning Daryl had a play date with Ms. Addison. So we head out to her house and I am chatting with her parents. All of a sudden this happens:
Daryl-"My dad slept on the couch last night, If he does that again I told him I was going to sleep with mommy!"
At this point we are all laughing as my friend asks me if that was true! Yup, totally true! I told her what had been going on, really hadn't planned on telling anyone, but it helped. I came home told Kelly what Daryl had said and we both laughed about it too.
That is why you need kids, they keep it fun, even when you are really not in the mood for fun. :-)

Kelly got the toy he has wanted for years!
A steam mop. And no he did not get it because
we were fighting, it was in the Sept. budget!
We had a pretty relaxing weekend at home this weekend. Kelly put up crown molding in the living and dinning room, the boys and I went to the zoo, Daryl ran through the sprinkler, Kelly cleaned all the floors with his new toy, Alex loved him some avocados and I RAN EIGHT MILES! Didn't think I could do that last one, but I did. I didn't plan my loop very well because I ended a mile away from the house. So...I totally called Kelly and had him come get me! I have no shame!

No knitting this weekend, I need to work on that this week.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Happy Anniversary!

The holiday weekend was our six year wedding anniversary. Sometimes we are out of town but if we aren't we always try to visit Gage Park where we were married.

While at the park Daryl decided to spend the last of his birthday money on a train ride. So we all got on the train and as we were passing the rose garden there was a wedding going on. A train went through our wedding too. I remember all the people waving to us, so we all waved to the newlyweds.

It seems like yesterday it was just Kelly and I. Now we are a family of four! It is amazing what can happen in six short years!

I have goals for this month, GOALS I say! I want to finish Daryl's Vest and my mojo socks. That sounds like it will keep me busy so I will stop there. :-)