Thursday, May 24, 2012

31 Weeks!!

I'm trying not to panic but in TWO months we should have a baby. I do hope that he decides to stay in that entire time, but he sure has been acting like he has a busting out plan lately!! I don't remember Daryl being this active and Daryl is our energetic child. This could get interesting...
Some things that I left behind in the 30th week of pregnancy: 1.) My wedding ring 2.) My Jeans 3.)Crawling around on the floor and 4.) a full nights sleep!
Actually I haven't been sleeping thru the night for quite some time now but I guess that is just preparing me for the months ahead. I was making great progress on the sweater for Daryl when I got the rest of my blanket blocks in the mail from Oklahoma. YIPEE!! So last night I decided to block the blocks! LOL
This picture isn't all of them, but all I could stand to work on at one time. See above about not being able to crawl around on the floor anymore! I would list all the knitters that donated blocks but I would probably leave someone out so needless to say they are plenty!
Feel free to leave a comment if you want to claim your block!!
Remember this is only two thirds of them!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Let the sunshine in!

Here is the Sunroom finally unpacked! It may not look like much but when we moved in this is where all random boxes went and it was just piles and piles of boxes. We finally got everything put away or thrown away and I think we will spend a lot of time in there.
We can open up the windows and turn on the ceiling fans and it is really cool. We still don't know about the condition of the hot tub but Kelly has been "googling" it, lord help us all! I will probably be more interested in this hot tub we inherited when I'm not pregnant and could actually use it.
We set up the second TV and DVD player so Daryl can watch his cartoons in peace and I can stay in there and knit with him and Kelly can watch Royals!

We did a lot this weekend and there is still more to do. I think in June we will tackle the pool and the garage. It will be awesome to be able to park both of our cars in the garage!! 

You can see Vinny in this picture!

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Picaso Kelly

Kelly and I both had our missions this weekend. Mine was to keep Daryl away from Kelly and preferably out of the house. Kelly's was to paint the bedroom, dressing room and bathroom. Missions accomplished!


I love the color! Kelly wasn't so sure in the paint store but he did decide he liked it up on the walls. It is so warm and rich. Way to go Kelly!!
When Daryl and I got back from the park and walked back to the bedroom he said "Wow Dad this is beautiful!" It was so cute.
Here is the progress on the 4-year sweater. I'm now knitting the second sleeve, still hopeful it will  be done in May!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Where did my energy go?

 This weekend was great! Walked the mother's day 5K with two of my best friends, had a great lunch and got an awesome card from Daryl. My Sunday was so great that it seeped over to my Monday and it also started great. Everyone got off to work and school without a fight and no one was late.

I had high high hopes for after work and made a great big to do list for when I got home.
Don't say I've never posted a bad picture of myself
on the blog! It was sooooo sunny!

Baby Booties!!
Well...I'm home now...and all I'm doing is playing on the computer. I could go to bed right now! I think I'll wait till 8:30 for bed and just knit on Daryl's sweater a bit. I'm pretty sure that was on the to do list!

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Happy Mother's Day!

I know it is early but Happy Mother's Day to all of the moms, grandmas, aunts and sisters!
We had a great day at home today, sometimes it helps to stay home if you want to get stuff done! Kelly worked in the baby's room and I did LAUNDRY at home!!!! I never thought I would be so excited but after a month of the laundromat and imposing on others it's good to be able to do laundry at home again.
The plumber was here three times before it got fixed and it did involve breaking the concrete and putting in some new drains but it works.
Here is some photo proof! For the first time in a long time all the hampers are empty and everything is clean.

There were some concerns about how Daryl's birthday sweater is coming, glad to report I am making the first sleeve and have the body of the sweater 75% done. If I wasn't so lazy I would go get it and take a picture of the progress but instead here are some booties! Should have these done tonight. The baby will need booties in July right?
We are still taking full advantage of our location to the park. We are over there a couple of times a week and Daryl now refers to it as his park. We like to feed the ducks!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Dye Lab!!

Here is the long awaited post about how you learn to Dye fiber at Yarn School. It's very enjoyable because the Yarn School elves do all the hard stuff and just let the students play with color. All the dyes are premixed and after you cook your fiber they rinse the extra color out and hang to dry.
Playing with color dyes is interesting because it never looks the same once the process is over. You have to trust the picture of what the dye's look like when they have processed and hope you got the right ratio of dye vs. water.
But no matter what you get its TONS of fun!!
Here is the undyed fiber that we had to start with. The white wool was provided as a part of the class. The natural gray I brought and I wanted to play with if I had time.

First things first you must soak the fiber.

My classmates with our teacher Adrian in the front and middle!

We did one ball of fiber in a crock pot and let it cook for a couple of hours. This is a hand painted super wash wool that I made some super bright clown yarn out of. This was wrapped in plastic and microwaved for about ten minutes to set the dye. You also have to spray with Citric acid to get the dye to stay.

Here is how my gray turned out. I dyed it with Turquoise, Aztec Gold and Brown/Olive.
Here is my super bright super wash!!

Hang tight with me I think I have a couple more posts about Yarn School left! Hopefully by then my bedroom will be painted and I can show off that! That is the big house project for May. 

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Yarn School

As I mentioned before Yarn School will probably have to be broken up into many posts. It is that much fun!!! The three day school/camp is hosted by the magnificent Nikol Lohr and takes place in the old Harveyville, KS High School. It is the perfect setting of academia/peaceful/rustic that inspires people.

Here was the spinning circle at the very beginning of check in on Thursday night, it got so large once everyone was there it took up half the gym.
Thursday night we were fed appetizers and I'm not kidding when I say I went back to Yarn School 50% for the fiber fun and 50% for Nikol's food. It is unbelievably good and I wanted to take pictures of it all but most of the time didn't think about that until I had filled my tummy!
But I know of no one that elevates mac and cheese to a sinfully good dish and then the next night turns out homemade tortillas that taste like my great grandma's! Yum Yum Yum
Dye lab will have its own post so don't think I am neglecting that class. But these were the beautiful batts that I made during the batt making demonstration. Once again I wish I had taken a picture of the ping pong table of fiber that we had to chose from to mix and blend but playing with a drum carder is about the funnest thing since kindergarten finger paints! What I really love about making batts is that you can throw in random stuff and it just makes the yarn more interesting. My pink and blue batt has a lot of sparkle in it and my orange and blue batt has some yellow silk in it that will make it tweedy in Yarn form! Too much fun!!
Yarn school posts are to be continued...this is just a little slice to get you thru to the next post!
With all the lovely ladies I met I was still dying to have coffee with my Daryl when I got home! He missed it too because dad doesn't let him have his own coffee but mom does! Behind us is our new microwave!! It looks just like the old one but this one...wait for it...WORKS! I can't believe I went a month without a microwave, it is a necessity I had even in my first dorm room! I'm still doing the dishes by hand and we are still taking laundry to the laundromat but the microwave was worth fixing first!!