Friday, October 28, 2011

Too Much Fun For One Pumpkin

Daryl may have inherited the crafty gene for me! He went to his first craft class yesterday and he had a blast! The class was for 2 and 3-year-olds and they made sock pumpkins.
He loved his sooo much that he wanted to put it on the front porch with the real pumpkins because those were its mommy and daddy.

Other news: The body of my sweater is done and.....its too small! Again! But I'm doing this year what I should have done last year. I'm going to finish it and give it to a 9-year-old girl because that is who it should fit. It's a hand wash item so I will have to be choosy with who gets it!

Kelly is also home from Tampa, Florida and we are happy to have him! His work sends him some far away places but he loves it and I love that he loves it.

OK, next entry should be Halloween costumes so be prepared to be scared! Not really...this whole Halloween thing really spooks D and the only thing he likes is the candy!

1 comment:

  1. Daryl-that is a very nicely made pumpkin. Good Job! Give mom and Dad a hug from grandma Rosie. Love U!!
