Sunday, October 9, 2011

Photo Fail!

Dad and Daryl went to the pumpkin patch today....are you waiting to see the pictures....ya, me too!
I sent Kel with the camera, put it in his hand as he went out the door. I asked to see the pictures as soon as they hit the door and what do you know, he left it in the truck!
Daryl did pick out some great pumpkins. He was so proud of them that when we put them on the porch he said they were all his. Also said he was putting them out for Santa! We have to work on our holidays a little bit. :)
I knitted Kel's collar on his sweater. I want to look at some videos on different seam stitches before I sew up the rest. I do not like the look of the two shoulder seams that I did so I'm hoping to find something different for the rest of it.
More picture hopefully later this week!!!
Topeka got a Daylight Donuts!
Daryl and I are thrilled!

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