Saturday, October 15, 2011

KC Marathon

Our Marathon relay team with a half-marathoner
thrown in for good measure!
Oh what a day! Ran part of a marathon today with four other lovely ladies. Whoever thought of the idea for a marathon relay should be congratulated, it is a darn fun thing to do! You get all the signs and cheers and cowbell ringing for the crazy runners and only have to run part of the way! My leg was six and a half miles and right now my knee is hating me. My watch showed 61 minutes for my leg of the race! I'm very happy with that.
Doesn't matter because it was so cold this morning that I decided this was it for me till Spring. My running season ends in October, AMEN! So I did six races this year 1.)Mother's Day 5K 2.) Wichita 8K 3.) Fiesta 5K 4.) Manhattan 10K 5.) Air Museum 5K and today 6.)KC 10ishK!
My goal was four so goal was met and exceeded! I will have to think on my running goal for next year, my knee is hurting so bad right now I don't want to think about it!
D running his race!
When I got home Daryl told me to come watch him run, and I did! I love that he wants to be like me so he wants to run races, now if I could only get him to start playing with yarn... :)

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