Tuesday, October 4, 2011

I love fall!

Daryl loved playing in the corn!
This last weekend the family went to the Buckner Fall Fest in Hanston. Everyone had a blast! There was a lot of visiting with old friends, playing and eating!
Sometimes my old hometown can feel deserted so seeing it full of people and activity was awesome!
I'm going to work on finishing Kel's sweater this week and maybe start a cowl that I have been eyeing for a long time. I just have to seam up the man sweater but I'm nervous about finishing it because what if it doesn't fit? That would be sad :( But I have to finish because it is starting to get cool!

Sweater pieces taking a bath!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much, Candis, for the knitting class last night. I'm so knitting challenged. But I so love the look of knitted things. So, I'd really like to learn. But it's going to be a challenge. I know this group is for the kids ... but if you don't mind, I'd like to TRY. I'd really like to try.
