Thursday, October 13, 2011

Just when I thought I would never be done

Kelly putting on his sweater for the first time!

All of a sudden two years of knit/purl seventeen rows then knit two in a row was done! Last night I put the last seam in the Checks & Balances  sweater pattern by Debbie Stoller! I was so happy I couldn't even stand myself. I wanted to scream to complete strangers that I hand-knit a sweater in "Man" size!

I settled for posting on Facebook and it was totally satisfying because my lovely friends and family adequately swooned over it! Thanks for that!

Tonight Daryl and I went to my nephew's junior high football game. It was perfect weather and his team won! Yay!
With one big knitting project behind me I cast on the next pattern that has eluded me once before. The infamouse "Wicked"! I had a contest with a friend trying to knit this sweater pattern two Octobers ago. She won! Her sweater was fabulous and mine got frogged after being two sizes to small!
So this October I cast it on again! I'm going to once again try to finish it before Halloween, so far I have eight inches of sweater...this could get interesting! I will post pictures soon!
Funny wisdom from a three-year-old of the day, "If you poop on the sidewalk at Mary's you get a time out." Oh really Daryl, did you get a time out for that?
"No, she told me first." 


"Honey it itches a little."

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