Saturday, October 22, 2011

Friday Night Football

Little Kelly!
Kelly, D and I had a bird's eye view of the Holton vs Hayden football game yesterday. My sister-in-law's family had won a press box suite for the game and they invited us to join them. Not only was it the best seats but they fed us too! It was a great game and the Wildcats won in exciting fashion! ;)

My "Wicked" sweater
The game was so good I ONLY knit for three quarters of it. That is really saying something. I'm on deadline for this sweater and by golly I just might make it!

On Friday I also got to Yarn Shop hop and I would post a picture of all my goodies but then Kelly would see it I won't do that! As my favorite knitter/blogger The Yarn Harlot says, "The yarn stash is like an iceberg and only 10 percent should ever be visible."
Try not to think about that when you come into my house and think I have a lot of yarn!

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