Monday, October 31, 2011

We never said he sang good!

Daryl did a little trick-or-treating yesterday and went out again tonight. He made out with a lot of candy! The best part of his age is when we put the candy away he forgets about it, so hopefully we can make it last awhile!
What I really needed to share was his latest musical performance! He sings a lot but usually when the camera comes out he clams up. I've never heard this song before but I think it will be popular soon!
Happy Halloween everyone!

Friday, October 28, 2011

Too Much Fun For One Pumpkin

Daryl may have inherited the crafty gene for me! He went to his first craft class yesterday and he had a blast! The class was for 2 and 3-year-olds and they made sock pumpkins.
He loved his sooo much that he wanted to put it on the front porch with the real pumpkins because those were its mommy and daddy.

Other news: The body of my sweater is done and.....its too small! Again! But I'm doing this year what I should have done last year. I'm going to finish it and give it to a 9-year-old girl because that is who it should fit. It's a hand wash item so I will have to be choosy with who gets it!

Kelly is also home from Tampa, Florida and we are happy to have him! His work sends him some far away places but he loves it and I love that he loves it.

OK, next entry should be Halloween costumes so be prepared to be scared! Not really...this whole Halloween thing really spooks D and the only thing he likes is the candy!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Friday Night Football

Little Kelly!
Kelly, D and I had a bird's eye view of the Holton vs Hayden football game yesterday. My sister-in-law's family had won a press box suite for the game and they invited us to join them. Not only was it the best seats but they fed us too! It was a great game and the Wildcats won in exciting fashion! ;)

My "Wicked" sweater
The game was so good I ONLY knit for three quarters of it. That is really saying something. I'm on deadline for this sweater and by golly I just might make it!

On Friday I also got to Yarn Shop hop and I would post a picture of all my goodies but then Kelly would see it I won't do that! As my favorite knitter/blogger The Yarn Harlot says, "The yarn stash is like an iceberg and only 10 percent should ever be visible."
Try not to think about that when you come into my house and think I have a lot of yarn!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

KC Marathon

Our Marathon relay team with a half-marathoner
thrown in for good measure!
Oh what a day! Ran part of a marathon today with four other lovely ladies. Whoever thought of the idea for a marathon relay should be congratulated, it is a darn fun thing to do! You get all the signs and cheers and cowbell ringing for the crazy runners and only have to run part of the way! My leg was six and a half miles and right now my knee is hating me. My watch showed 61 minutes for my leg of the race! I'm very happy with that.
Doesn't matter because it was so cold this morning that I decided this was it for me till Spring. My running season ends in October, AMEN! So I did six races this year 1.)Mother's Day 5K 2.) Wichita 8K 3.) Fiesta 5K 4.) Manhattan 10K 5.) Air Museum 5K and today 6.)KC 10ishK!
My goal was four so goal was met and exceeded! I will have to think on my running goal for next year, my knee is hurting so bad right now I don't want to think about it!
D running his race!
When I got home Daryl told me to come watch him run, and I did! I love that he wants to be like me so he wants to run races, now if I could only get him to start playing with yarn... :)

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Just when I thought I would never be done

Kelly putting on his sweater for the first time!

All of a sudden two years of knit/purl seventeen rows then knit two in a row was done! Last night I put the last seam in the Checks & Balances  sweater pattern by Debbie Stoller! I was so happy I couldn't even stand myself. I wanted to scream to complete strangers that I hand-knit a sweater in "Man" size!

I settled for posting on Facebook and it was totally satisfying because my lovely friends and family adequately swooned over it! Thanks for that!

Tonight Daryl and I went to my nephew's junior high football game. It was perfect weather and his team won! Yay!
With one big knitting project behind me I cast on the next pattern that has eluded me once before. The infamouse "Wicked"! I had a contest with a friend trying to knit this sweater pattern two Octobers ago. She won! Her sweater was fabulous and mine got frogged after being two sizes to small!
So this October I cast it on again! I'm going to once again try to finish it before Halloween, so far I have eight inches of sweater...this could get interesting! I will post pictures soon!
Funny wisdom from a three-year-old of the day, "If you poop on the sidewalk at Mary's you get a time out." Oh really Daryl, did you get a time out for that?
"No, she told me first." 


"Honey it itches a little."

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Photo Fail!

Dad and Daryl went to the pumpkin patch today....are you waiting to see the pictures....ya, me too!
I sent Kel with the camera, put it in his hand as he went out the door. I asked to see the pictures as soon as they hit the door and what do you know, he left it in the truck!
Daryl did pick out some great pumpkins. He was so proud of them that when we put them on the porch he said they were all his. Also said he was putting them out for Santa! We have to work on our holidays a little bit. :)
I knitted Kel's collar on his sweater. I want to look at some videos on different seam stitches before I sew up the rest. I do not like the look of the two shoulder seams that I did so I'm hoping to find something different for the rest of it.
More picture hopefully later this week!!!
Topeka got a Daylight Donuts!
Daryl and I are thrilled!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

I love fall!

Daryl loved playing in the corn!
This last weekend the family went to the Buckner Fall Fest in Hanston. Everyone had a blast! There was a lot of visiting with old friends, playing and eating!
Sometimes my old hometown can feel deserted so seeing it full of people and activity was awesome!
I'm going to work on finishing Kel's sweater this week and maybe start a cowl that I have been eyeing for a long time. I just have to seam up the man sweater but I'm nervous about finishing it because what if it doesn't fit? That would be sad :( But I have to finish because it is starting to get cool!

Sweater pieces taking a bath!