Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Bag Lady

I did it! I finished Daryl's Halloween Trick-Or-Treat bag. And...Get This...Halloween isn't for FOUR DAYS!!! I don't even know who I am anymore. :) On a normal project I would be doing it at midnight the night before I needed it with Kelly shaking his head asking me "Why didn't you just buy it?"

Ha to him!! I'm on top of it, I finally figured out that Halloween and Birthdays always happen at the same time every year! (I still don't know how Christmas happens without me noticing)

This bag is lined and was from a panel. I bought it for 70% off after last Halloween at Jo-Anns. So its a double win because again Kelly says I never use that stuff I buy at Jo-Anns. DOUBLE Ha to him!!!

OK enough gloating I'm going to bed.

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