Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Company and Halloween

So, I said I would put up pics of my mailman ASAP. Please focus on the P of ASAP. Posting pictures was not possible before today because I left my beer out Saturday night.

I went to bed and didn't worry at all that I had half the bottle sitting on the side table and slept peacefully.

I even woke up with Daryl the next morning with no concern.

Then all of a sudden I was worried, stressed and had concern. Because Daryl spilled my beer on my laptop.


All is well now except the touchpad that is basically the mouse is not working. So I had to wait to post pics until I got a real mouse with a USB port. But enough about me and my computer woes. Here are the pics!
Daryl went trick-or-treating with his cousins Carter and Dominic. Carter was a very good "Woody the Sheriff" and Dominic was a Zoo Keeper.
They all had a good time.
Thankfully, Daryl has no idea how much Candy he has because I haven't showed him! He hasn't had any since Sunday.
That is a good thing!!!

And Daryl did not Vote but he did get a sticker. I didn't tell him to put it on his head but I guess that's where he though it should be!

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