Monday, November 15, 2010

ummm OK

It is funny when little kids get their own voice. They say things without being prompted and they make their own decisions. Lately all D's decisions have been decided with an ummmm and either an otay or a definite no. Its really cute, at least he is thinking about the question!

This last weekend I had my first 4-H achievement night. I think it went really well. I don't think a lot of people think about what makes an event run (I know I didn't) but I worked on the twenty page program for over a week and I didn't even do one part of it.
It was worth all of the work and it was fun to interact with the kids, who on most days are just names on paper. They are silly and doing great things in the community. Achievement night celebrated that.

My side project has been sewing some flannel jammies for myself. I finished them tonight! They are a little big but with jammies it doesn't matter. They are for inside the house only. I like them so much I think I'm going to try another pair and try and tailor them a little more since I know the pattern now. We shall see!

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