Monday, November 22, 2010

Jayhawks, Turkey Shirts, Legos, and other Randomness

Been sooo busy I have been neglecting the blog. Sorry bout that! Went to the KU game on Saturday. Grandma watched D so Kel and I got to get a little wild. And for us that is very mild!! LOL
Kel's best friend Doug and his super fun girlfriend Breanna were in town from San Diego for the game. I was glad to introduce her to Jay and Jade Garden Chinese.

On Sunday I worked on the finishing touches of Daryl's Thanksgiving shirt. He is all ready to eat some Turkey in his Turkey shirt!

We also went to the library on Sunday where Daryl built the largest tower he has put together to date. I only helped him with the last four blocks. I was super proud!

Tonight we went back up to the office to play with Addison while her mom was in a boring old meeting. We had much more fun NOT sharing toys and playing with all the fliers in the office. Having a great time this fall and I don't even mind that its going to get cold this week. We have been spoiled and we need some snow!!
Famous last words....

Lastly, earlier this month I knit my first thumb gusset. I was super happy with it and my fingerless mitts that were for a gift.

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