Sunday, October 10, 2010

What A Weekend

One reason Kelly never gets to work on the house if probably because we are rarely all here! This weekend was no exception. We went out to our friends' house Friday night for good food and good times. They have a daughter a little younger than Daryl and its fun to watch them play. Daryl also got to sit on the tractor. He could have got a ride but when they started it up for him he got scared. :(

On Saturday Uncle Bri and Aunt Nik agreed to take D for the day so Kel and I could meet Momma Rosie for lunch and planning in Salina. She likes how Kel and I do the Dave Ramsey debt plan so much she wanted to get her budget started to. So we took the laptop and met halfway and got a lot accomplished. Then of course I went and got some yarn. No big shock there. :) It was purple yarn so that is a little shocking. :)

On our way home we were discussing how long we could wait to put new tires on the car when one blew out. Thank God we were not thrown across the road and were able to pull off. We had a doughnut tire but no jack so they Highway assistance came and assisted us. We told him we were thankful for the job he does and he let us know he was thankful for people that needed him (job security).

We were on the side of the road for about 40 minutes and that is why you always have some knitting with you! Don't worry I had my Monkey Sock.

So today, Sunday, we got two new tires on the car and went to the pumpkin patch outside of Lawrence. Brooke, Eric and Addison joined us and we let Daryl lead the way as he was an expert on picking good pumpkins. That was one of the things he did with Uncle Bri and Aunt Nik on Saturday.

Its been a great weekend but I'm ready to put on my jammies and stay in for awhile. Its not even 5pm yet! Hope everyone is enjoying the weather, it was a little hot today for my taste. Hope that doesn't mean I will get a blizzard for Halloween!

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