Sunday, October 17, 2010

Mmmmmm Cupcake

Today was cousin Dominic's First birthday party. Daryl had a lot of fun with all of his cousins but the highlights were playing football, eating cupcakes, and playing with all of Dominic's new toys!

I made a little sweater and matching socks for the Birthday boy and I think he really liked them. I really like the Tiny Top Down pattern I used because it is knit in the round and has no front or back. Just a really good pattern for little ones.

These were my first little people socks and I think they turned out really well. Because of the yarn they were not identical twins but that's OK!

Saturday Kelly and I witnessed our friends get hitched at their home. They are getting married married in Mexico but they had to do the marriage licence part in the US, so that was fun!

Other than that we had a pretty chill weekend and I think Henry is coming to visit this week. So We are all getting really excited about that!! Yeah Henry!!!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday Dominic!!
    Daryl sure looks like he knows football. Asa will love that picture.
    Give Henry a kiss for me.
    Did you find the suckers??
    Momma Korf
