Sunday, October 3, 2010

Singing the Song in your Heart

This has been an interesting week at the manor. We upgraded in car (sorry still no pic, but I'm sure everyone knows what a Taurus looks like), Daryl got some type of rash and I baked. All things that do not happen regularly.

Think D might be allergic to some type of soap or wipe (its mostly in his cheeks) but we haven't pin pointed the cause yet. It is something that is around though because it comes and goes about daily.

Posting a picture of my finished Monkey sock so I can prove I am making progress. Might just wrap this project this week, we shall see. I should hurry on them because I have convinced Kelly I need a new pair of brown shoes to show them off properly. I think he bought it!

Also putting up a picture of D singing. He doesn't do it around other people and it is just too cute not to share.

On the lawn, we don't need to mow yet, we'll leave it at that!

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