Thursday, September 24, 2009

Reading, Knitting, and Waiting

Waiting for what you may ask. That I'm not sure but I know that something good is coming and I will be ready when it is here! :)

Not to much new around the manor. D had his one year appointment on Monday and he got FIVE shots and was a real trooper. He was not so chipper the rest of the day but I couldn't blame him. I couldn't even watch as he was getting the shots and I think my heart hurt as much as his chubby little legs did.

He had me laughing/crying when we got home as he was pulling the band aids off of his legs and trying to eat them. He tries to eat everything: paper, yarn, stuffed animals, and leaves! You would think he was starving but trust me he is not!

Hope everyone out there is doing well. Enjoy some pics of Daryl STANDING in his car. He is a little dare devil for sure!

1 comment:

  1. The pictures of Daryl & his car are so cute. Also wanted to mention that even though I don't comment very often, I do appreciate the time you take to keep us all updated. Your little family seems to be thriving, for that I am truly blessed.
    Love you all
