Tuesday, September 29, 2009


I have been using some of my extra time really cleaning the house. I moved the couches yesterday and swept under them. I found some hair ties, toys, cheerios, and a spider! Except for the toys all was thrown in the trash!

Got the big front part of the house done yesterday so today I'll tackle the bathrooms and D's room. I'll save my room and the craft room for another day!! I need Kel to take some stuff to Goodwill as I declutter. I can put the stuff aside but for some reason I can't drop it off. I'm pretty attached to my clutter!!

After thinking yesterday that my little boy must have been switched at the hospital (he likes green beans more than applesauce) he proved he was ours again by eating anything his dad would let him from the Chinese restaurant. He loved it all. So now I've figured out he must be Kelly's but not real sure who is mom is yet! LOL! This picture is from Asa's wedding this summer. We were facing the sun so we are a little squinty!

Have a good week everyone!!

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