Thursday, September 10, 2009

The only thing that is constant is Change!

Lots of changes at the Manor these days but we are just going with the flow and loving our little guy to pieces! Doesn't he still make a great pumpkin. I know I shouldn't play dress up with him but sometimes I just can't help it!!!

I'm just waiting to make the big announcement that Daryl is walking but he is just not cooperating. He will every once in awhile take one step then fall down and continue to crawl to his destination. One thing he does very well is walk on his knees! It really cracks me up b/c I would think that would be so much harder than walking on your feet. Looks like my little one already wants to reinvent the wheel.

Went west again this weekend. We celebrated Grandpa Bob's 75th birthday and saw a lot of cousins and aunts and uncles that I had not seen in probably eight years! It was a blast and D had a lot of fun being a little ham for all of the adults. He probably gets that from his mom. :-)

On the knitting front my Juliet sleeveless cardigan is done. But after trying to justify all day that it doesn't need blocked, I'm going to block it. Try and get to that later today and then when it dries I will post some pictures. Still got a baby project on the needles and started my very first cable project on Saturday. It is a coffee sleeve that I can just keep in my pure instead of using the cardboard ones all the time at the coffee shops. I will post pics of that too when it is done. when I was starting it I knew it was just b/c I was putting off the dozen or so hats I have planned to knit for Christmas. I will get back to that list by the end of the week. I already have all the yarn so no excuses!!!

Take care everyone and have a great week! I know we will :-)

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