Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Birthday part deux

Sorry in advance for the lack of relevant pictures in this posting. My camera battery died at Daryl's second first birthday party. Try saying that ten times fast!

It was a grand event anyway. Daryl smashed into his cake again. Although this cake was not as pretty as the one that Heather made for him last week. We had to stoop to the level of the store bought cake this time around. :-)

Cousins Canyon, Cedar and Cadence were there to help D unwrap gifts and pull him in his new wagon. Usually the Brown kids cause Daryl to be a little nervous and scared but as he gets older he just lets them run around him and laughs.

It was nice to go back home. We made one trip to Dodge and went to church in Hanston. It is so great to see everyone when we go back!

On the knitting front Daryl's birthday sweater will only be about two weeks late. With any luck it should be done tonight. And at the risk of loosing all credibility as a knitter I don't think I'll block it! LOL

After that I need to hammer out a couple baby gifts (one is almost half done already) and then my world will be hats hats and more hats for awhile. Good think I LOVE knitting hats :-) I really do! I just have to fight the urge to not keep them all for myself.

Can't wait for that three day weekend coming up. I plan to fill it with lattes and knitting or knitting and lattes!

Quote of the day "I plan on living forever, so far so good." Saw this on ravelry today and it made me laugh out loud! It may replace the ultimate phrase I want on my tombstone. "I knew if I hung around here long enough something like this would happen!" IDK I think I like my ultimate phrase better. Readers of Meerpohl Manor you decide!

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